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A New Approach to Building Your Personal Brand
Ask Smarter Questions
Create a System to Grow Consistently
Leading in the Flow of Work
On Communication
Storytelling That Drives Bold Change
The 5 Second Rule (Mel Robbins)
The 5 Types of Wealth (Sahil Bloom)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R Covey)
7 Life Strategies - to fill in (Dani Saveker)
The 7 Perspectives of Effective Leaders (Daniel Harkavy)
7 Things That Make or Break a Relationship (Paul McKenna)
10 Things You Need to Know About the Future (BBC 2 - Horizon)
10x Is Easier Than 2x (Dr Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan)
12 Rules for Life (Jordan B Peterson)
The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership (Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman and Kaley Klemp)
The AirBnB Way (Joseph Michelli)
All Marketers Are Liars (Seth Godin)
All You Have To Do Is Ask (Wayne Baker)
Allerton Castle Ink Drawing by Dani Saveker
Anatomy of Peace (The Arbinger Institute)
Anything You Want (Derek Sivers)
Are You Really OK? (Roman Kemp)
Arianna, Brene and Oprah - set of 9 visual synopsis pieces
The Art of Gathering (Priya Parker)
Atlas of the Heart (Brene Brown)
Awaken The Giant Within (Tony Robbins)
Awakening Compassion at Work (Monica Worline and Jane Dutton)
Being A Woman (Barbie Movie monologue)
Be Obsessed or Be Average (Grant Cardone)
Be Useful (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Be Your Future Self Now (Dr Benjamin Hardy)
Big Thinking - set of 15 visual synopsis pieces
Birmingham Commonwealth Bull Ink Drawing
Birmingham Pagoda and Dog (Holloway Circus) hand drawn
The Book of Beautiful Questions (Warren Berger)
Born For Love (Bruce D. Perry & Maia Szalavitz)
The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog (Bruce D. Perry & Maia Szalavitz)
Braving The Wilderness (Brene Brown)
Brief Answers to the Big Questions (Stephen Hawking)
Build Your Personal Brand (GLAS Method)
Carry On, Warrior (Glennon Doyle)
Chamberlain Clock Tower (Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham)
The Chimp Paradox (Dr Steve Peters)
Choice Theory (William Glasser)
Choose Yourself (James Altucher)
CODES of Momentum - Say What You Mean Poster by Dani Saveker
CODES of Momentum Poster by Dani Saveker
Confidence (Harvard Business Review Press)
Courage is Calling (Ryan Holiday)
The Earned Life (Marshall Goldsmith)
Earn It (Steve Pratt)
The Effective Executive (Peter F. Drucker)
Ego is the Enemy (Ryan Holiday)
The Element (Sir Ken Robinson)
Energize (Simon Alexander Ong)
The Everyday Hero Manifesto (Robin Sharma)
Everything Is F*cked (Mark Manson)
The Gap and the Gain ( Dan Sullivan with Benjamin P Hardy)
The Genius Zone (Gay Hendricks)
The Gifts of Imperfection (Brene Brown)
Girl Wash Your Face (Rachel Hollis)
GLAS Elements: Doing visual synopsis
GLAS Elements: External visual synopsis
GLAS Elements: Identity visual synopsis
GLAS Elements: Leadership visual synopsis
GLAS Elements: Motivation visual synopsis
GLAS Elements: Purpose visual synopsis
GLAS Elements: Relate visual synopsis
GLAS Method 'Balance' Poster - by Dani Saveker
GLAS Method 7 Perspectives Poster - by Dani Saveker
GLAS Method: Resilience poster
GLAS Method: Your Storyboard Tool (to fill in)
GLAS: My Visual Year poster (blank for you to complete)
GLAS: The Land of Clarity (to fill in)
The Go-Giver (Bob Burg and John David Mann)
The Go-Giver Leader (Bob Burg and John David Mann)
A Golden Journey (Lizzy Yarnold)
Good Power (Ginni Rometty)
Good To Great (Jim Collins)
Greenlights (Matthew McConaughey)
The Heart-Centered Leadership Playbook (Deb Crowe)
The Hope-Driven Leader (Libby Gill)
How to be Champion (Sarah Millican)
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big (Scott Adams)
How To Live When You Could Be Dead (Dame Deborah James)
How Will You Measure Your Life (Clayton Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon)
Leaders Eat Last (Simon Sinek)
Leadership Is Language (L David Marquet)
Leading From The Heart (Coach K)
Leading in the Flow of Work (HBR)
The Let Them Theory (Mel Robbins)
The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k (Sarah Knight)
Life Is In The Transitions (Bruce Feiler)
The Little Book of Ikigai (Ken Mogi)
Lives of the Stoics - 1 (Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman)
Lives of the Stoics - 2 (Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman)
Lives of the Stoics - 3 (Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman)
Living Forward (Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy)
Made to Stick (Chip and Dan Heath)
Maybe It's You (Lauren Handel Zander)
The Meaning of Mother Poster by Dani Saveker
Mental Health Awareness - Anxiety (2023) by Dani Saveker
Mental Health Awareness - Loneliness by Dani Saveker
Mental Health Awareness - Nature by Dani Saveker
Mindfulness (Harvard Business Review Series)
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (Robin Sharma)
A More Beautiful Question (Warren Berger)
The Path (Prof Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh)
Permission to Feel (Prof Marc Brackett)
Personality Isn't Permanent (Benjamin P Hardy)
Pendulum (Roy H Williams / Michael R Drew)
Philotimo (200th Anniversary of Greek Independence)
The Platinum Rule (Tony Alessandra PhD and Michael J O’Connor PhD)
The Power of Moments (Dan Heath and Chip Heath)
The Power of Regret (Daniel H Pink)
Predictably Irrational (Dan Ariely)
Primal Leadership (Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee)
Professional Lacrosse League (PLL) Visual Synopsis by Dani Saveker
Seeing What Others Don't (Gary Klein)
Shoot for the Moon (Richard Wiseman)
The Sky Is Not The Limit (Amanda Newton)
The Song of Significance (Seth Godin)
St Giles Hospice Visual Synopsis
Steal Like An Artist (Austin Kleon)
Stillness is the Key (Ryan Holiday)
The Storyteller's Secret (Carmine Gallo)
Storytelling That Drives Bold Change (HBR - Anne Morriss & Frances Frei)
Stronger Through Adversity (Joseph Michelli)
Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now (Jaron Lanier)
Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
Think Like A Monk (Jay Shetty)
Think Remarkable (Guy Kawasaki and Madison Noisier)
This Is Marketing (Seth Godin)
This is Strategy (Seth Godin)
Thoughts Are Things (Bob Proctor and Greg S Reid)
The Time Paradox (Philip Zimbardo and John Boyd)
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying (Bronnie Ware)
Trillion Dollar Coach (Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg and Alan Eagle)
The Ultimate Happiness Prescription (Deepak Chopra)
Ultra Processed People (Chris van Tulleken)
The Universe Has Your Back (Gabrielle Bernstein)
The Way of Integrity (Martha Beck)
The Wealth Money Can't Buy (Robin Sharma)
What Happened To You? (Oprah Winfrey & Dr Bruce Perry)
When The Body Says No (Dr Gabor Mate)
Who Not How (Benjamin P Hardy and Dan Sullivan)
Why Kindness Is Good For You (David R Hamilton PhD)
Will (Will Smith with Mark Manson)
Willpower Doesn’t Work (Benjamin P Hardy)
Winning Matters (Sean Fitzpatrick)
World Kindness Day 2021 Poster by Dani Saveker
X: The Experience When Business Meets Design (Brian Solis)
You Have More Influence Than You Think (Vanessa Bohns)
Your Time To Thrive (Thrive Global editors and Marina Khidekel)
The Zappos Experience (Joseph Michelli) Visual Synopsis by Dani Saveker